It’s no secret that we’ve been living in a world of increased mental illness, specifically anxiety and depression. I haven’t met many people younger than me that don’t suffer from the occasional panic attack and others who spend weeks on end in bed. Mass shooting and gun violence further prove the mental health of our population is decreasing at an astronomical rate. Sometimes after a long day, I just take a giant sigh and say, what the hell is going on?
I’m not going to pretend that I have all the answers for you, I truthfully don’t. I’m here to offer one opinion about why so many people seem so “lost,” today. It’s something I’ve come to call contradictory advice. You see as a young person, navigating the world has become increasingly more difficult due to the massive amount of contradictory advice. I’ve been told from birth advice that complete contradicts previous advice, leaving me in a world of confusion having to choose between two seemingly polar opposites. Constantly being pulled in different directions creates a huge ripple and puts an enormous amount of stress on an individual trying to understand who they are and their place in this world.
For example: plan for the future; live each day as if it was your last. Don't make assumptions; trust your gut. Be patient; go after the things you want. Don't try to impress anyone; first impressions are important. Don't worry what other people think; your reputation is everything.
How are we supposed to live in a world of contradictory advice? Everything we're told contradicts each other. How are we supposed to plan, but live each day as if it were our last? How are we supposed to ignore the opinions of others, but still make great impressions?
We're not. I don't know why we were all put here to live on this earth, but we are here. How do we navigate through the contradictory advice?
For me, I will try. I feel like in recent times, I gave up. I gave up on life. Life didn't give up on me though. I continue to breathe and have a heartbeat. I will use this opportunity to live a life that I can be proud of. I will ignore the contradictory advice and try to be an ethical human being.