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Head, Shoulders, D's, and Toes

The last time I remember felling comfortable posting a bikini picture was my first semester of college. I've been told negative and positive things about my appearance throughout my life, but the negative things really left a wound.

My HEAD was praised for genius, I think with my mind, not my penis. I didn’t realize it was beautiful until now and wow. I did cut off my locks and they were put in a box. My face was never painted and remains untainted.

My SHOULDERS were never strong; they only carried boulders. The mountains I moved with my hand felt like I was moving sand. My armpits have no hair, but my stomach, a child it did bear.

My D's did always seem to please. They came in triple and my stretch marks caused quite a ripple. Self conscious about my thighs, you could see it in my eyes.

My TOES are spaced too far apart. I would see how many quarters I could fit between them when I was young at heart. My feet are small and pretty and I finally love my appearance down to the nitty gritty.


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