Today, March 12, 2020 is just another rainy day for those of us who live in LA, the city where it NEVER rains...
I just want to say, if you have someone, ANYONE, in your life that you consider your significant other, PLEASE go make out with them in the rain. Do it for me, do it for all the singletons who will be there one day and worse have been there and are missing that FEELING, but mostly, do it for YOU and do it for them.
It doesn't matter if you guys are fighting or if you're in a stupid rut that seems comfortably numb; DROP EVERYTHING right now, meet HER or HIM or OTHER, kiss them in the pouring rain, remember what that first kiss with them felt like. Be FEARLESS. There have been songs written about and movies made around the single act of kissing in the rain, do NOT waste this beautiful occasion.
For the "rest of us," is there someone in your life you want to be your significant other, but haven't told? I know that's scary and I completely understand if you haven't told them, but maybe you want the rain to wash away your sanity and give you the courage to do just that. Maybe not; and I get that too because I have put myself "out there" and been brutally awoken to the realities of rejection.
Today, I and my son, Kayden wore flip flops. I didn't wear my hoodie and he was in just a t-shirt. I know, I'm fighting a cold and he's "just" a kid; what is wrong with me, right?!
There's no proven "cure" for the common cold, so you can't dismiss my theory that these very actions are actually vital to me "recovering" from said cold. And since I don't care about your opinion regarding how I raise my child (unless it comes from purely from a place of LOVE), well that's about it: I don't care.
I also spent some time dancing in the rain, just to let you (those who claim that people from LA are "soft") know what we're really made of!
When I lived in Florida, the rain was warm and had a pressure to it, so much so that my father would bathe in the rain! It was awesome, saved us money on the water bills and come on, who doesn't want to bathe in the rain?!
The rain can be so cleansing sometimes, both literally and figuratively.
I know there's also some negative things about the rain, like how people drive to state the obvious, but there are also some really amazing things about the rain and it's definitely cause for celebration in my book!
So, sing, dance, cry, love, smoke, get high, do whatever you makes you FEEL to celebrate this special occasion, this rainy day.