Maybe that’s why a number of people relate to it. A number of people relate to religion too and the “supernatural.” How can it be that a number of different people relate to the different things and believe so strongly in them, they and we are willing to kill fellow humans over ideas and beliefs invisible to the naked eye?
I mean we are all human; we should have a lot in common, right? How come we don’t see eye to eye then? I mean we’re all a little different, no matter how much Brads tries to tell me I’m “exactly” like my father when he’s angry haha. I don’t know I guess it can even be seen in the way I’ve been conditioned to write.
When I was speaking negatively about killing, I said they initially, but then when I was talking about being human, I said we. I guess that’s something I’ve been conditioned to do not only in my writing, but in my thinking.
They are human too. They are all human. Every single person at one point in time was a tiny soul entering this world so pure and untouched by hurt and pain, man if they could talk, I’d bet they have a lot to say. Hopefully they grow up eventually and become better able to vocalize all of their brilliant ideas because the negative things in the world crush their spirit. Luckily, sometimes there are beautiful things about the world that keep them sweet long enough for them to utter those darnest things they love to say.
My point is that my son is a human. When I look at another human, I want to be able to extend them the love, gratitude, forgiveness, presentness that comes just because we bonded over being fellow humans.
I want to walk around without baggage and treat people as if they are with me right here right now, not treat them as if they are the person who hurt me ten years ago.
I guess that’s called letting go. How do we truly “let go?” I know people claim to have let go of the past all the time, but how come we fight about it so often then?
For me, I do wish I could let go better. I know sometimes I’m fast and other times it takes longer. I do get frustrated with myself when I have setbacks or things don’t go as planned, but hey you know what they say, “If you want to make the universe laugh, tell it your plans.” Ok that’s not the saying, that’s just a saying I made up on the spot when I wanted to say it because I was uncomfortable saying the word god at the time, I’m not anymore.
I also made up the saying, “If you want to make the universe laugh, show it your plans; if you want the universe to show you the middle finger, also show it your plans.” There, I have recorded a “quote” in history.
I remember learning about quotes and reading some insightful ones, then realizing they were from Hitler. That was a good lesson, I think many of my English teachers taught me. The real lesson was that if someone famous says a quote, it held more “weight.” I’m guessing that translates to a lot more people admire and respect you if you’re willing to be “famous.”
I know what you might be thinking, “Athena, I’m MORE THAN willing to be famous. I’m dying to be famous.”
I completely understand that. Me too. Who doesn’t want the cars and the houses? I mean maybe some people don’t want that, but even just the idea of complete strangers being nice to you just because you’re kind of famous. I know there’s a line where they become obsessed and that’s not cool, but before that.
When you think about it, we all might be on the spectrum of famous. It was so different to measure back in the day. Hollywood was a place back then and it is now too, but right now, it feels like a state of mind. But you’re not that different from a celebrity, you post things on social media and people digitally react to them. I’m sure you post things and people don’t too. Maybe from all those “reactions” we can discern that at least some of them were reacting in person too.
If you’re “not into” social media at all then maybe you’re just into socializing and you get those reactions in person. Either way, a reaction carries energy, and we can see this in science too, chemical reactions send energy and it’s received by another.
I believe we’re energetic beings and we send and receive energy and maybe that’s through touch and talking, but maybe that’s also though intention.
I personally think it’s easier to transfer energy through touch than talking. I’m mean that seems like part of the reason no one understand your significant other like you do, even if it’s a dog to cuddle with, you know?
I know a picture is worth a thousand words, but so is a hug. On that note, I’ll get back to writing about my ladybug.
Actually first, I want to talk about this idea of beliefs because they are important and they are worth fighting for and maybe even killing for, but I think we’re all on the same page about most of our fundamental beliefs. I think we all want peace of mind and the ability to make logical and meaningful decisions to shape the outcome of our lives that we choose.
Actually I don’t want to speak for everyone. That’s what I want with my life. I think the problem arises in how we see the goal being accomplished. I might want to do it this way because it worked for me in the past and you might want to do it this way because that way worked for you in the past.
We’re still not at a problem. It’s actually a good thing that we’re different at this point and have different ideas because adding different ideas together can cause a reaction and create a new better idea. I think that’s what Steven Covey called the idea of Synergy.
The problem really comes when the ego gets a say. I know that everyone probably has a different definition of what ego is, but maybe some fundamental things come to mind.
When I think of ego, I feel annoyed. I think of being around people that are full of themselves and think they are better than me. That pokes on my insecurities about what I think are my flaws but actually maybe just mistakes that I’ve made in the past that people have taken more personally than I meant or maybe I did mean it.
Whatever the case is, it’s doesn't make me feel pleasant to think about the word ego. Like to think about other people's ego or to think about mine just doesn’t make me feel good. So, I’ve come up with my own definition of the word ego because it encompasses so much for me. It’s like I don’t think I’m egotistical, but I did post a recent bikini picture on social media, and I’ve considered that egotistical in the past. I guess I changed my mind. I like the way my postpartum stretch marks and my way too spaced-out toes look.
Ok maybe I don’t love those two features of my body, but I still love the whole thing and I could work on those if I really wanted to. But yeah, I’m a kick ass loving mom who also like the way I look in a bikini and am still working on it, but just because my body is a work in progress doesn’t mean I don’t want to show it off while it’s in progress.
Besides, it’s nice that I posted it and got some recognition for my work at the gym haha. For me the word ego mean everything from your past experiences that prevents you from being who you truly are in moments of stress from problems that you don’t feel confident about fixing.
Ok my rant is over. Yes I learned this lesson from my experience with ladybugs and I’m translating it to you.
I want to move the nest outside without hurting the ladybugs. Do you have any experience solving this kind of problem?
I guess when I think about it, pest control can be like controlling anything else in your life. Like what you put in your body, maybe you’re a smoker or not the best at eating or drinking wisely, but you can control that, and you might think I’m crazy, but solving that problem isn‘t going to be that different from solving my ladybug problem.
I’m going to experiment on myself solving a problem that I KNOW I can solve and compare it to my thoughts on my ladybug situation.